Indian Knowledge Systems- A Collaboration between RKM and CIS (only for enrolled students)

About This Course
This Course of Indian Knowledge System is an attempt to explain the core traits of Indian culture to the students. In this course, we will teach from an Indic perspective, so that we can witness the living ceremony and sense of collective Indic consciousness deeply rooted in our people. This course on Indian history will highlight cultural continuities that have endured the test of time
Important note: This is a live course where the students, only enrolled in this particular course through Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, West Bengal’s website are allowed to access. They attend the classes regularly conducted by the instructor and here we have the updated recorded videos of the whole session available. Those students who belong to this batch can access the videos any time as per convenience.
Course Information
Course Start Date: 12th March 2024
Duration of the Course: 6 Months
Instructors: The faculties are mainly from CIS Department, with other guest lectures involved.
Course Outline:
1) History & Geography of BharataVarsha
2) The Fundamental Ideas of Indian Civilization
3) Indian Philosophy
4) Language and Literature
5) Art & Aesthetics
6) Science & Technology
7) Social, Cultural & Political Systems
8 ) Global Impact of IKS (India’s Contribution to the World)
What You Will Learn
This course will tell the students about our profound ideas, efforts and greatest innovations.
-It will make them aware of the ideas that India exported to the world.
-It will tell them why India was the intellectual powerhouse of the ancient times.
-It will help them understand the indigenous knowledge system and the role it played in these great discoveries.
What You’ll Get
- Live and interactive lectures with instructors twice a week.
- Ramakrishna Mission and Indus University certificate to certify that you have gone through the course.
Refund Policy: Since these courses are available at subsidised rates, there is no provision for refund once you have enrolled for a course.