
Indian Mathematics and Astronomy

Last Update September 30, 2023
20 already enrolled
Indian Mathematics and Astronomy

About This Course

India produced significant accomplishments in mathematics, astronomy and science, but they find no mention or very scanty mention in any school or college syllabus. Have you heard of the Ujjain Meridian that was used by Indians for two thousand years before Greenwich Meridian. So why does India and the world use Greenwich mean time?We hear about Archimedes principle or Newton’s laws. Why are no scientific theorems or mathematical formulae or equations named after Aryabhata or Bhaskara or Madhava? Surely they had significant accomplishments for ISRO to name satellites in their honour. This course will dwell upon these questions and explain how Indian mathematicians incorporated Poetry, Wordplay, Bhakti, Skepticism, and Romance into their science.It will teach us how Sanskrit was used for writing mathematics andhow other ancient civilizations like Sumeria, Egypt, China, Greeks, Mayans accomplished in their times.

Important note: This is a self paced course. Here, you can access the videos  as per your convenience, from anywhere, any time. No regular live sessions by the instructor will be happening that you have to attend in allotted time and date.

What You’ll Learn

  1. An introduction to Sanskrit and its use as a language of science.
  2. The origins of Indian astronomy and mathematics.
  3. How numbers are represented in Sanskrit.
  4. TheAstronomy and Mathematics of Ancient Civilizations like Sumeria, Egypt, China, Greek, and Mayan.
  5. The origin and development of Mathematics and Astronomy in India in four eras, namely: Vedic Era, Vedanga Era, Era of 18 Siddhantas,Classical Era.

What You’ll Get

  1. Videos of high quality, of around 8 hours, instructed by R. Gopu.
  2. Reference materials such as online links and books for further study.
  3. Quizzes that will make you learn faster and more thoroughly.
  4. A certificate from Indus University on successful completion of the course.
  5. Interactive sessions with the instructor.

Refund Policy: Since these courses are available at subsidised rates, there is no provision for refund once you have enrolled for a course. In case you are not able to attend the course due to any unforeseen circumstances, we can accommodate you in a different course in lieu of the course you originally enrolled for.

Material Includes

  • Course Information

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Level: Introductory
  • Medium: English
  • Delivery: Online


41 Lessons

Lesson 1: Languages of Science

1.1. Roots of Algebra
1.2. Indian Mathematicians
1.3. Eurocentric Mathematics
1.4. Terms of Modern Science
1.5. Mathematics and Astronomy
1.6. Poetry in Mathematics
Quiz 1: Indian Mathematics and Astronomy

Lesson 2: An Introduction to Astronomy

Lesson 3: Numbers in Sanskrit

Lesson 4: Vedic Era

Lesson 5: Astronomy and Mathematics of Ancient Cultures

Lesson 6: Vedangas

Lesson 7: 18 Siddhantas

Lesson 8: Classical Period

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Indian Mathematics and Astronomy


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All Levels
41 lectures

Material Includes

  • Course Information

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Level: Introductory
  • Medium: English
  • Delivery: Online
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